Audit and Assurance

Burrows Scarborough in Coventry - call 024 7671 7633 or email
Harwoods in Sutton Coldfield – call 0121 355 0901 or email

Audit and Assurance

We provide a range of audit and assurance services to our clients. Our team of auditors have many decades of experience in providing efficient, high value, cost effective audit and assurance services to companies both large and small.

Audits under the Companies Act

Our audit department has developed its systems over the years to ensure that we provide a cost effective, high value compliance service for statutory audits under the Companies Act.

Assurance services

Where companies are not required to have an audit under the Companies Act, we provide a number of alternative smaller scale assurance options to clients. The purpose of an assurance engagement is to build trust. When we sign an assurance report, we make the business information covered by the report more credible, and give confidence to the people using that information.

Our Audit Clients

We audit clients from a wide range of industries, including hotels, golf clubs, academies, car dealers and engineering companies. Size of clients range from small companies to large companies turning over £100m.

If you would like any more information about our Audit and Assurance services please contact us.